The Books

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‘I Want a Campervan’ is your friendly guide if you want to buy a campervan – or maybe you are still just dreaming about it and need some advice. Owning your own campervan is beyond brilliant but, what sort of van do you buy? Or maybe you are going to take the brave step of converting your own van and are not sure where to start. You want to find a campervan that you will love and who loves you back.

It can be hard to even know what the options are and what questions you should ask yourself. Questions like: What is my camping style?, What is the best base vehicle for me?, What sort of interior suits my style of camping?, How will I power my van?, plus lots of other questions that will help you find the perfect van for you. “I Want a Campervan” talks you through all these questions and is your friend and guide on this amazing new journey that you are starting. 


In ‘Adventures of a Lazy Campervan Cook’ Summer lets us in on some of her camping adventures like: the time they got it so wrong when they parked wild, a magical day on the Dorset coast, finding that special place that touches your soul, and how to ‘do’ cities.

She’ll also tell you why it is important to be a ‘Lazy’ cook, not only when you are camping, but in life generally.  To help you along your lazy-cook way, she has included one of her favourite campervan recipes at the end of each chapter.



The Camper Cookie Cookbook