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QUEST FOR A NEW CAMPERVAN: Getting Harder to Find Good Vans
We are getting closer now to buying the base vehicle for our next campervan and Barry, our van-hunter extraordinaire, asked us if it was important to have air con in our van. Just thinking about camping in the extreme hot weather that we had recently means the answer was a big “Yes” but getting air con is not always so easy. In fact finding a good van these days at all is not so easy …
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Quest for a New Campervan : Which Van is Best?
So which van have we decided on in the end? Well, this was all becoming a bit of a Grand Design and to get to that decision (which to date is still not set in stone) we have had to follow a long research road that has had lots of twists and turns. Everybody you speak to seems to throw another consideration in to the mix which sometimes seems to confuse the question more. It really is like buying a new house and secretly I am loving every minute…
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